A recent John Zogby poll of the troops in Iraq claims that 72% want the war ended in 2006. As has been pointed out, “The poll was paid for by anti-war activists and the methodology is secret. Yet this lie is sailing around the world through the ravening wolves of the media who chew on anti-Bush agitprop like a dog chews a bone." Hugh Hewitt, a man who has been around and knows the ropes, said this:
“The "poll" is quite obviously crap when one sees the questions, and Zogby's refusal to answer basic questions that do not go to security underscores his defensiveness. The survey instrument is shot through with absurd choices while missing obvious questions… I think he's a shameless self-promoting pretend pollster, that's all… You can trust John Zogby as much as this poll. Which means, not at all… Criticism of Zogby is not new, nor confined to the center-right. See Chris Mooney's "The Creative Polls of John Zogby," from the February 1, 2003 American Prospect.
And don' t forget his performance on Election Day, 2004.