Larry Kudlow, a very sharp American economist, dissects the French economic mess in his short, to-the-point article. Stanley Kurtz of the "Corner" of National Review Online suggests that for an overview of the situation in France, see “For the French, Joie de Vivre Fades Into Fear. He also notes Claire Berlinski's article, "Paris Burning, Once Again." Speaking further of her work, he says.
For the best overview of the trouble in Europe, I recommend Claire Berlinski’s wonderful new book, Menace in Europe: Why the Continent’s Crisis is America’s, Too. (I’ve got a blurb on the back of the book.) Berlinski’s book is a tremendous read: very smart, highly informed, and filled with riveting stories about real people. Berlinski is tough as can be on the problem of European Islamism, yet also speaks knowledgeably about European Muslims she’s known and loved. It’s rare to find this kind of clear-eyed criticism from an American who knows the continent deeply. For a glimpse into Europe’s frightening future (and America’s too?) do read Claire Berlinski’s Menace in Europe.