The following is a long quote from Phi Beta Cons - National Review for 3/31/06
To Be Or Not To Be Americans
[Candace de Russy 03/31 05:07 PM]American high school students, the children of immigrants, recently turned an American flag upside down on a flagpole and ran up a Mexican flag above it. In demonstrations purporting to show that immigrants want to Americans, illegal aliens marched through the streets of our cities carrying Latin American flags and carrying signs with slogans such as “This is stolen land.”
The Hudson Institute's John Fonte calls these blatant displays by their true name: “separatism…a challenge to what Aristotle and Straussian political theorists call a ‘regime’ or ‘way of life.’” And he calls for legislation with rigorous enforcement provisions of our immigration laws, the absolute renunciation of all allegiance by new citizens to their birth nations, the cutting off of all federal funds for bilingual and multicultural education, and strong Americanization programs.
Indeed, as Fonte says, our goal must “be the making of Americans, not placating the foreigners among us.”