Not all pro-life folks are enthusiastic about South Dakota's ban on abortions. The editors at NRO, for example, put up an editorial today pointing out the downside of that ban. As things stand now, it will be struck down and Roe further strengthened. The NRO editorial needs to be read and digested. The next quote is not enough. Read the whole editorial.
Pro-lifers have gained ground over the last decade and a half by pursuing a savvy incremental strategy. That strategy puts the end of Roe within sight. If Roe falls, pro-lifers should then try to persuade the public in each state to prohibit most abortions. After that, they should try to persuade them to prohibit abortion in the case of rape and incest. To try to collapse this multi-stage process into an instant is to ignore social and political circumstances, and to throw away patiently and painfully won political victories for the sake of an emotional gesture.