The internet is amazing. For a long time we have been aware of the biased, one-sided leftist political mugging taking place inside college classrooms, but now we are learning that the same thing is going on inside public high schools across the nation. A student at Overland High School in Aurora, Colorado taped his 10th grade geography teacher, Jay Bennish, carrying on a rant against President Bush and the United States. Michelle Malkin provides a transcript and various radio and TV stations provide audio of the rant here (with more links here). Walter Williams, the columnist, weighs in here. Could it be that at long last the leftist bombast that characterizes so much secondary education will finally be revealed?
David Horowitz describes his experience last June at a high school assembly planned by high school leftists.
UPDATE: 3/3/06 Klaus at Dignan's blog dissects Bennish's rant. Sean Allen, the young high school student who made the tape, appeared on the TV program "Hannity & Colmes." Expose the Left provides the videotape of the interview.
Hat tip: Michelle Malkin