Bill Bennett has a new book out today. It is Vol. I of America: The Last Best Hope. From the Age of Discovery to a World at War. From a Kathryn Jean Lopez interview:
Lopez: What was your approach to tackling a fairly vast body of American history?
William J. Bennett: The first thing was to make it a ripping good story because this is the second greatest story and the best political story ever told. American history is full of sound and color and character and blood and guts and gore and high principle. And it’s all in here. . . . I cut my teeth on the Greeks—Plato and Aristotle. But I gotta tell you a few hundred square miles in rural Virginia produced philosophical, political, practical thought that rivals anything ever done in Athens. As lawgivers, Solon, Pericles, Hammurabi stand behind Madison.
Bennett's enthusiasm about America is infectious. It looks to be a timely and much needed book.