Andree Seu in an article for World Magazine wrote,
A friend objected to my piety. Not "Lord, help me to trust in You" (quoth he) but "Lord, I trust in You! Yea, by Your grace I trust in You!" There's something psychologically different here, my chastened soul took note. . .
Seu quotes Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life:
Life is a series of problems. Either you are in one now you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one.
She later adds:
The dog bites and the bee stings and you're feeling sad. But blest are those who praise God in the midst of it, who praise Him when their heart is broken. "As they go through the Valley of Baca they make it a place of springs (Psalm 84). . ."
It is not tomorrow in which we should plan on praising God, but today, in the midst of our challenges. Which reminds me of a wise statement I read long ago: "The divine moment is the present moment." Add to that the equally wise words of C.S. Lewis from Letters to an American Lady:
Yes--it is sometimes hard to obey St. Paul's "Rejoice". We must try to take life moment by moment. The actual present is usually pretty tolerable, I think, if only we refrain from adding to its burden that of the past and the future. How right Our Lord is about "sufficient to the day". (page 100 in my edition)