Kathryn Lopez of National Review Online published today her interview with David Brog, author of the book, Standing with Israel: Why Christians Support the Jewish State.
Brog is a former chief of staff to Republican Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania. Brog contends that "the evangelical Christians who support Israel today are nothing less than the theological heirs of the righteous Gentiles who sought to save Jews from the Holocaust." The interview includes mention of the Ten Booms of Holland and concludes with this Q & A:
Lopez: Whom do you want to read your book?
Brog: I want Jews to read my book so that they will get over their fears of evangelicals and embrace our friends. I want Christians to read my book so that they will understand both the imperatives of supporting Israel and the wary reaction they will receive from the Jewish community. And I want people who are interested in politics and foreign policy to read my book so that they can better comprehend the birth pangs of what in time will be a very important alliance.