Thomas Sowell - We have now been through at least two generations of constant denigration of American society. Is it surprising that we seem to have dwindling numbers of people willing to take responsibility and make sacrifices? Harvard is just one small example.
Chuck Colson - "In his marvelous book, The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success,
Rodney Stark writes that “Christianity created Western Civilization.”
Without Christianity’s commitment to “reason, progress, and moral
equality, today the entire world would be about where non-European
societies were in, say, 1800.”
Susan Konig - These days, many parents with children in public middle school are
concerned with issues involving sex and drugs among kids as young as
10, 11, 12. As a mom with kids in parochial school, I hear from these
parents on a fairly regular basis. They say to me, “I’m almost tempted
to send my kids to Catholic school — except for the God thing.”
they would rather have their kids more likely exposed to drugs and
sexual situations than to God? “I just don’t know how I would feel
about them being exposed to religion,” they explain.
Jonah Goldberg - on "American Exceptionalism" -
I loathe the sort of commentary stories like this
generate. It's all about how America contributes more greenhouse gasses
than other countries. Okay, guilty as charged. It's not like these
greenhouse gasses don't have a context. The American economy sustains
the planet, pulls millions out of poverty, keeps the sea channels open,
develops most of the medical breakthroughs, provides most of the
funding for international institutions (including the finger-waggers at
the UN's environmental divisions), offers the best higher education to
the world's leaders.