Dennis Prager today published an insightful and important article that begins:
When you hear the words "oppression," "genocide," "racism," or even "torture" or "rape," do you immediately recoil as you always did? I don't. While I hate those evils as much as ever, I no longer assume the term always describes the reality.
Prager then proceeds to dissect the way each of these words has lost its primary meaning, a meaning which originally did, indeed, make us recoil in horror. But our language has been debased, and as Prager writes in his concluding paragraph,
The tragedy of all this is that when evils are defined down, good people are left verbally unarmed when the real evils present themselves. It is yet another way in which the left, intentionally or not, undermines the battle against evil.
As an incidental illustration (in addition to his dissection of the words mentioned above), he describes the way "theocracy" is used on the lips of American liberals.
The left regularly charges America's conservative Christians with wanting to make America a "theocracy," being "fascists" and/or being "anti-Semites." They are none of those things, and as a result, the battle against real theocrats (Muslim fundamentalists), real fascists and real anti-Semites is compromised.
Read the whole article and recognize the verbicide that Prager describes.