Don Feder has a useful column taking to task Rosie O'Donnell's nonsensical (and obscene) comment last week on ABC's "The View" in which she lumped together "radical" Christians with militant Muslims. To that anti-Christian smear Feder responded:
Let’s see if I’ve got this straight:
Militant Muslims behead prisoners. Radical Christians oppose embryonic stem-cell research.
Militant Muslims blow themselves up in crowded shopping malls, slaughtering women and children. Radical Christians defend traditional marriage.
Militant Muslims fly planes into buildings, Radical Christians work to protect the sanctity of human life.
Militant Muslims threaten to kill those whom they believe have insulted their precious Prophet. Radical Christians threaten to launch consumer boycotts.
Militant Muslims issue fatwas. Radical Christians distribute voter guides.
Yep, I can see the similarities all right. The two are as alike as peas in a pod. No wonder Jerry Falwell is so often mistaken for Sheik Nasrallah.
In this same article, Feder talks about ABC's documentary "Jesus Camp." Recognizing the popularity of media attacks on Christianity, Feder says, "If I wanted to make a fast buck, I'd write a book titled: The Unintelligent Leftist's Guide to Hating the Christian Right - In the Name of Tolerance and Diversity."