Mario Loyola, writing in National Review's Corner, cites an Atlantic Online article by Robert D. Kaplan, "When North Korea Falls" and says,
But first, read this excellent article by Andrei Lankov who shows how the regime's authority is already collapsing internally. And Nicolas Eberstadt, an indispensable source on North Korea (and a dizzying array of other things) surveys North's political economy and the chances of an economic collapse. These three articles would be at the top of my list for anyone interested in becoming as well-informed about the Hermit Kingdom as most experts and decision-makers.
North Korea's potential for anarchy vastly exceeds that of Iraq's. Iraq is not going to suffer a general breakdown of its urban economy—sending millions into the surrounding country-side to live and die as hunter-gatherers. But North Korea has somehow survived at the edge of that nightmare scenario for nearly two decades. And it has nukes.