I just added Green Eyeshade Blog to my list of "notable blogs." This blog is a product of John Campbell, Congressman from the 48th District in California and a Certified Public Accountant. Campbell says his blog is "for anyone who thinks that federal taxes and spending are too high, the federal government is too big and the deficit needs to go away." Campbell is the chairman of the budget and spending task force for the Republican Study Committee. The Republican Study Committee is a caucus of about 100 of the most fiscal responsible members of the House of Representatives. "We are tired," he says, "of watching both parties spend away our money and our future."
Check out his list of egregious add-ons and special handouts to the upcoming FY07 War Supplemental. Check out also this beginning discussion of a "Taxpayer's Bill of Rights":
- Taxpayers have a right to have a federal government that does not grow beyond their ability to pay for it.
- Taxpayers have a right to receive back each dollar they entrust to the government for their retirement.
- Taxpayers have a right to expect the government to balance the budget without having their taxes raised.
- Taxpayers have a right to a simple, fair tax code that they can understand.
In thirty-four of the last thirty-eight years, the federal government has spent more money than it has taken in. This has happened with every combination of Republicans or Democrats controlling Congress and the White House. This kind of irresponsible behavior can no longer be sustained by raising taxes or simply passing our debts on to future generations.
This is definitely a blog to bookmark. (HT: Hugh Hewitt)