Victor Davis Hanson rips Dinesh D'Souza saying:
Dinesh D’Souza now weighs in against his numerous conservative critics in a series entitled “The Closing of the Conservative Mind.” The result is again suicidal, for his latest apology only confirms the nonsensical arguments found in "The Enemy at Home."
VDH offers a lengthy, powerful refutation of D'Souza's accusations and arguments.
In addition to VDH's response, a panel assembled at the National Review Online magazine, also offers a response. Symposium members include Dean Barnett, Peter Berkowitz, Scott Johnson, Roger Kimball, Stanley Kurtz, and Robert Spencer.
I have previously blogged on D'Souza's book here and here.
** Update 3/17/07: Dean Barrett makes a useful point when he celebrates the genuine dialog and room for debate that exists within the conservative movement and contrasts that with liberals.
Let’s say a rogue a liberal wrote a book that wrongly blamed America’s conservatives for some great calamity. It’s not too hard to imagine. Just picture the chat boards on the Huffington Post or the Daily Kos after the next massive terrorist attack and you’ll get a feel for what I’m talking about.
Is it at all conceivable that America’s respectable liberals, ranging from bloggers to professors to columnists, would universally step forward to condemn that author? Discuss amongst yourselves in the comments section.
Say what you will about conservatism at the current moment, but this entire episode tells us something about the health of our community. Something good.