John Derbyshire has more to say (earlier here), but perhaps pride of place for the most scathing commentary to date must go to Richard Littlejohn.
The rules of engagement these days have been rinsed in so much fabric softener that I'm astonished our troops are even allowed to carry weapons any more. . .
The feminisation of our entire society has utterly destroyed whatever credibility and moral fibre we ever had. The emotional incontinence which flooded the country at the time Lady Di popped her Jimmy Choos is now our stock in trade. [more here and be sure look at reader comments].
The Daily Mail weighs in, as does a "Rue Brittania" editorial from the New York Post. Tony Harden of the Telegraph finds the Royal Marines' conduct "cringeworthy."
No question about it. A sad day for Brits and the West.
In case anyone is interested, here is the American Soldier's Code of Conduct, a very stirring, impressive document indeed.