Click here for an informative interview with Manjeet Kripalani who for 10 years was India bureau chief for Business Week magzine and is now the Edward R. Murrow Press Fellow at the Council of Foreign Relations in New Yori City.
Amont other things, I learned that
There's a cellular phone company called Bharti, which, like most of India's cellular operators, sells its phone calls for between 1 cent and 2 cents a minute. Those are the lowest rates of anywhere in the world. It was possible because of innovations made by these companies for their local markets. And these were innovations that multinational companies were not interested in making because they are not interested in low-cost models for low-cost markets. . . . Companies like Bharti have created this astonishingly low-cost cellular phone call, and what it has done is it has given a big boost to the Indian cellular phone market. It's now the fastest growing in the world and it's changed the life of ordinary Indians. . . .