I am astonished at the offerings one finds at YouTube. Some make me very grateful, indeed. A couple of days ago I stumbled on performances by the Seekers, a singing group from the 60s. One of my favorite songs is Morningtown Ride. I could listen to this song (it's actually for children) over and over again. Judith Durham has a uniquely strong, haunting voice that adds depth and lustre to any song she sings. And what about the guys? Get a load of the suits and ties. A different era, and all the more intriguing and welcome for being so. (Here is Morningtown Ride performed 25 years later.)
The Seekers sing some of the great love songs of all time. Take for example, A World of Our Own or The Carnival is Over or I'll Never find Another You. Note also a 1993 (25 year reunion) rendition of I'll Never Find Another You. They've got the same zip and sound as before. Update: I just found Judith singing A World of Our Own in 2013 - over 45 years later!!! She's fantastic.
Then there's Turn! Turn! Turn (To Everything There Is a Season), When the Stars Begin to Fall, and Just a Closer Walk With Thee The Lord's Prayer And don't forget You're My Spirit and Plaisir D'amour. I am moved by the splendid patriotic song, I Am Australian.
I really love this group. Here is a bit of background for those interested in learning more about the Seekers. More about Judith is available at her website - www.judithdurham.com (Edited 2/14/10 - I've added a few items and fixed many links that had gone dead.)