Click here for Walid Phares' extremely interesting (and hopeful) assessment of Sarkozy's victory.
Update: Ann Coulter (yes, her! - she still bears quoting from time to time!), notes that Democrats are losing their talking points.
It looks like the Democrats are going to have to drop their talking point about Bush irritating the rest of the world – evidently not as much as Muslim terrorists irritate the rest of the world. The politicians who hate Bush keep being dumped by their own voters.
. . . All over the civilized world, voters are turning terrorist-coddling liberals out of office and voting for politicians friendly toward Bush, the world's sworn enemy of Islamic fascism.
Those foreign leaders so admired by Democrats for hating George Bush and loving Saddam Hussein are being replaced by rulers who pledge their friendship to the United States. American celebrities who threaten to move out of the country every election rather than live under a conservative leader are running out of countries to move to.
. . . The Democratic Party is now officially the only organization on Earth that does not take the threat of Islamic fascism seriously. Between the Democrats and the media, America has gone from its usual position as the world's last hope to radical Islam's last hope.