The above title served as the title of an international conference held last weekend at Pepperdine University. It featured a number of luminaries including Hugh Hewitt who gave the closing plenary address. On a blog post he cites the books and articles he mentioned in his address.
TimeOutLondn’s latest issue: “Is London’s Future Islamic?” I also cited an article and two speeches on the future of Europe by Pope Benedict XVI:
A January 2006 article in First Things, “Europe and Its Discontents”
the speech at Regenburg, and a speech to bishops on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.
I also recommended “American Exceptionalism” by James Q Wilson in the October 2, 2006 issue of The American Spectator, “Soft Europe,” by Leon de Winter from the March 7, 2006 OpinionJournal, and the websites of Daniel Pipes and Claire Berlinski.
I recommended two books, The Looming Tower and America Alone, as well as articles like Lawrence Wright’s “The Master Plan,”
The 1990 United States Supreme Court decision I cited is Employment Division v. Smith.
Finally, the site on Islam v. Islamists, the film being censored by PBS, is
The organizations I recommended funding are The Alliance Defense Fund, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, and the Center for Security Policy.