Very useful. Click here.
Dr. Douglas Groothuis of Denver Seminary posted back on August 31st the following:
Free Groothuis Syllabus for Apologetics
To all Loyal (and other) Constructive Curmudgeon Readers:
I am offering the syllabus for my Defending Christian Faith class to you. Email me at [email protected]. It contains several hot links and many references to apologetic works. Take this material and use it for the glory of God.
Me: I e-mailed him and he sent me a copy of his syllabus in short order. I found it interesting and useful. Among other things, it provided a convenient list of some of Groothuis' online articles such as:
Basic Logical Principles Required for Apologetic Endeavors
Learning From an Apostle: Christianity in the Market Place of Ideas (Acts 17:16-34)
The New Age Worldview: Is it Believable?
Reincarnation and the Challenge of Jesus
If There is One God, Why are There Many Religions
Why Believe Jesus is the Only Way?
Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?
A list of Groothuis's many books on sale at may be found here. I have benefited a great deal from his writings. To take one example, I recall being greatly stimulated by his chapter, "True Beauty: The Challenge to Postmodernism," in Truth Decay. I also found extremely helpful Christianity in an Age of Controversy. Used copies of the older edition (same book, different publisher) is selling at bargain prices. Get it!