Updated 3/22/08 - I see that the links below no longer work. Here is a new website address for Veritas Forum lectures. Those listed below are easily accessible.
I was astounded earlier today to discover that Veritas Forum lectures are now available on the internet. The new technology is making my box of cassette tapes obsolete! Here is a list of the most popular talks (audio and sometimes video):
- The Jesus of Myth and History N. T. Wright (28063 views)
- Does God Exist? William Lane Craig (23793 views)
- What Does It Mean To Be Human? Dallas Willard (19059 views)
- So What? N. T. Wright (15820 views)
- The Power of Porn Gene McConnell (15607 views)
- Atheism, Theism, and the Meaning of Life JP Moreland (15445 views)
- The Genius of Jesus Dallas Willard (13083 views)
- Rethinking Relationships Don Miller (13066 views)
- Time for Truth Os Guinness (11695 views)
- The Fingerprint of God Erwin McManus (11278 views)
Here's a list of popular topics:
Arts, Atheism, Authority of Scripture, Beauty, Big Bang, Business, C.S. Lewis, Career/Vocation, Catholicism, Christianity, Communication, Creation, Death, Depression, Dostoevsky, Drama/Theatre, Economics, Education, Engineering & Technology, Environmental Studies & Natural Resources, Ethics, Evangelicalism, Evil, Evolution, Existence of God, Faith, Feminism, Gender/Body, Government & Public Policy, Health Sciences, History, Hope, Humanities, Humanity, Hypocrisy, Identity, Islam, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jesus, Law, Lord of the Rings, Love/Relationships, Materialism, Media, Movies/Film, Music, Natural Sciences & Math, Naturalism, Origins, Pain/Suffering, Pluralism, Politics, Pop Culture, Pornography, Post Modernism, Poverty, Power, Relativism, Religion/Multi-Faith, Resurrection, Salvation, Science, Sin, Social Justice, Social Sciences, Theism, Theology & Religious Studies, Tolstoy, Truth, University/Scholarship, Violence, War, Worldview,
You may also explore the archive by talk, presenter, or forum using the links above.
"Veritas Forums are university events that engage students and faculty in discussions about life's hardest questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life."