I don't have time right now to review the case of Mark Steyn, but will do so in due course. Right now I want to post his comment on, and the link he provides to another case: the grilling that the Alberta Human Rights Commission gave to Ezra Levant, the man who published the Danish cartoons in Canada in the Western Standard magazine. Levant is utilizing video documentation of the interrogation to alert the world to what is happening. Check that link! As one news source reported:
"A secular government bureaucracy has essentially been hijacked by a radical Muslim imam," [Levant] said. "It's being used to further his fatwa against these cartoons."
Update 1/13/08 - Mark Steyn has more.
Update 1/14/08 - Stanley Kurtz notes absence of MSM coverage:
The electrifying Ezra Levant story has lit up the blogosphere. In the mainstream media it is nowhere to be seen. This is what the blogosphere is for. Will MSM even bother to show up? With how brief a story, how many days late?
(Later) - Kurtz also alerts us to Levant's opening statement to the Alberta Human Rights Commission today which he says serves as a "free speech document."