Update 10/26/08 - Mark R. Levin now fears for the nation if Obama is elected President. Before deciding between Obama and McCain, do read Levin's article. Remember he is the one who initially had reservations about McCain. Now he considers those reservations trivial compared to electing Obama.
Update 10/24/08 - Anyone wavering between McCain and Obama, should read Charles Krauthammer's article today. It is genuinely must reading. I implore you to read it. Krauthammer outlines why it would be the height of folly to vote for Obama. Yes, McCain has negatives, but they are almost microscopic versus the alternative of voting for Obama.
Update 9/4/08 - I need to update this post. Over recent months many people have googled "McCain's negatives" and have come to this post. While I disagree with McCain on many of his positions as outlined below in my original posts, in my mind there is no contest between him and Barack Obama. For Obama's negatives, click here (and especially here for a list of all my posts dealing with Obama and his positions). With the addition of Gov. Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket, I am soundly convinced that the two of them would be infinitely better for America than Obama and Biden. - Mark Levin has also come out in support of McCain/Palin. Click here.
Subtitled Obstacles in the Way of Conservative Support. I earlier blogged on McCain's negatives here.
Update 1/14/08 - Andy McCarthy takes a look at McCain's foreign policy mentality (apart from the Iraq war, where he is right). Hugh Hewitt posts his own list of McCain's negatives.
Update 1/23/08 - Michelle Malkin -Americans Should Remember John McCain's Open -Borders Demagoguery