I thought this Christian woman's response to a young married man's struggle with pornography worth posting:
If men had any idea how it made their wives feel when they looked at porn, they would NEVER, EVER even THINK about touching it again ever in their LIVES. If they had any idea how degraded, devalued, and worthless it made us feel. How it makes us feel like we will never be good enough (because how could we ever live up to such high expectations? we can’t!). And not only that, but how we will deal with those feelings EVERY SINGLE DAY for the REST OF OUR LIVES.
And all from the actions of the husbands we love, who are supposed to take care of us, and value us. Who are supposed to treat us and love us as Christ loves the church.
And it is multiplied by about 1,000,000 times when we are pregnant, or have just had a child, and already feel like fat cows, or feel guilty because for a time we literally can’t satisfy our husbands in that way, and then find that they have been looking in other places for that type of satisfaction. How fair is that? It’s not like it’s anything that we have any control over, and it is actually one of the most beautiful times in a relationship to get to share something so special, magical and wonderful as having a child together. It should be something that is cherished, even for the sacrifices. Not stained by the injustice called pornography.