I saw these questions in Relay magazine and thought them worth passing along. The article reads: "You think you know your children. but do you? This test can help. Plan to sit with your teen and compare your answers!"
1. Who is your teen's best friend?
2. Your teen's favourite rock group?
3. What are his/her favourite classes at school?
4. Of what accomplishment is your teen the proudest?
5. Is your teen saving money right now? For what?
6. What is your teen's favourite TVprogram? Website?
7. What is your teen's biggest complaint about your family?
8. What person outside your family has most influenced your teen?
9. What sport does your teen most enjoy?
10. What's your teen's favourite radio station?
11. Who is your teen's greatest hero?
12. What career is your teen considering?
13. What embarrasses your teen the most?
14. What responsiblity does your teen enjoy?
15. What is your teen's most prized possession?
16. What talent or ability is your teen most proud of?
17. Does your teen consider him/herself popular or unpopular at school?
18. What does your teen worry about the most?
19. What is your teen's most meaningful Bible verse/passage?
20. Where does your teen like to hang out the most?
21. What adult outside the home does your teen have a good relationship with?
22. What does your teen like to do during his/her spare time?
23. When was the last time you both spent several hours together (for that purpose)?
24. When was the last time you told your teen (directly) that you loved him/her?Results:
More than 20 correct: You are walking the talk and could teach the rest of us!
12-20 correct: Not bad, but well worth some concentrated effort to improve while there is time.
Less than 12 correct: You need more than name tags--you need a fresh start with no conditions and that means investing time. Get going!