Heather MacDonald in her L.A. Times article "What campus rape crisis?" sheds light on yet another myth perpetuated by feminist lies. Her article is subtitled: "Promiscuity and hype have created a phony epidemic at colleges."
David Horowitz, in calling attention to this article, says:
For twenty-five years academic feminists have been pushing a big lie and using it to extract millions from student pockets. The big lie, which is ably exposed by Heather MacDonald in the LA Times is that one out of every four campus females is raped by a campus male. In fact, as MacDonald shows, there are almost no such campus rapes. But the feminists have used this phony claim to extract millions of dollars from student pockets and establish campus "rape centers" as an institutional beach-head for spreading hate propaganda against men in general and male students in particular.
Update: The full-length version of Heather MacDonald's article can be found here. The sub-title of this article reads: "The reality: bogus statistics, feminist victimology, and university-approved sex toys."
An excerpt:
The campus rape movement highlights the current condition of radical feminism, from its self-indulgent bathos to its embrace of ever more vulnerable female victimhood. But the movement is an even more important barometer of academia itself. In a delicious historical irony, the baby boomers who dismantled the university’s intellectual architecture in favor of unbridled sex and protest have now bureaucratized both. While women’s studies professors bang pots and blow whistles at antirape rallies, in the dorm next door, freshman counselors and deans pass out tips for better orgasms and the use of sex toys. The academic bureaucracy is roomy enough to sponsor both the dour antimale feminism of the college rape movement and the promiscuous hookup culture of student life. The only thing that doesn’t fit into the university’s new commitments is serious scholarly purpose.