I am always amazed at the quantity and quality of books published each year. This annotated list will prove stimulating. Here are a couple of samples with CT comments:
Under the topic Missions/Global Affairs:
Disciples of All Nations: Pillars of World Christianity by Lamin O. Sanneh (Oxford)
Our judges said:
"Global sweep and academic depth. A masterful piece demonstrating the development of global Christianity. Sanneh shows missions as the complex story of missionaries and the national movements that missionaries set in motion, in all its warts and glory."
Under the topic "Theoogy/Ethics":
Resounding Truth: Christian Wisdom in the World of Music by Jeremy S. Begbie (Baker Academic)
Our judges said:
"A profoundly creative, wonderfully engaging reflection on the encounter of theology and music. Impressive for its thoughtfulness, theological depth, and balance. Offers a robust theology of creativity and worship. Begbie's book is as good a way as any to discover afresh how faith comes through hearing."
And here are links to Christianity Today's previous Book Awards: 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004.