I like Mark Hemingway's post. A reader responds to my article on NRO today about why in tarnation political wives feel compelled to stand next to their husband at a press conference while he announces his depravity to the world:
. . . What I would like to see, however, is a politician show up without his wife and say: (1) she wanted to stand here with me; (2) I am grateful for her support; but (3) I told her "no" - I'm the one who failed and I'm the one who should bear the public scorn.
But that would require that one of these knuckleheads was, emotionally, a grown man.
That strikes me as exactly right. Suffice to say, I don't expect the next disgraced politician to protect his wife in such a manner...
Me: Nor do I, but it would be the right thing to do. Be sure to read Hemingway's article to which the reader above is responding.