Obama is adamantly against the right to life. That is really sad, as life is fundamental to everything else. The National Catholic Register points out that:
Obama not only opposes the right to life — he says ending it is his highest priority. “The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act,” he told Planned Parenthood last July. That would immediately turn the United States into the most pro-abortion country in the world. . .
He is a presidential candidate who cannot meaningfully quote the Declaration of Independence.
But he couldn’t quote those words [Declaration of Independence guaranteeing all people the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happines.] He is beholden to special interests that make a great deal of money by denying that people have the right to life. Obama couldn’t say those things ultimately because his official position is that some people are not created equal and do not have equal rights.
And we don’t just mean abortion — though Obama has helped keep abortion legal in all nine months of pregnancy.
Note this next paragraph. What an abomination!
In 2002, as an Illinois legislator, Obama went a step further when he voted against the Induced Infant Liability Act, which would have protected babies who were “accidentally” born alive during attempts to abort them.
He is wrong on Terri Schiavo also!
In a recent debate, Obama said the vote he most regrets was his vote to save Terri Schiavo’s life. . . (more. . .)
HT: The Corner