First, tell us what you think of the new film.
Kasem: I think Fitna is done very cleverly. It lays
the full blame of Islamic atrocities to the fount of Islam, the Koran.
Anyone viewing this short movie will have no doubt that the Islamist
terrorism is the result of the Koran in action. Geert Wilders has
demonstrated very precisely what has plagued the world for many years
and why the Jihadists are doing what they are doing.
FP: Analyze for us the format that Wilders uses.
Kasem: Wilders uses only five verses of the Koran to
demonstrate the potential danger of Islam to a civilised world. These
verses are (note the comments by eminent Koran scholars):
8:60 The Muslims should muster all their power and might, including
steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles…) to strike terror in the hearts
of the unbelievers (by killing them—ibn Abbas).
47:4 When the believers meet the unbelievers they should smite at
unbelievers’ necks (when you fight against them, cut them down totally
with your swords—ibn Kathir).
8:39 Fight until there are no more unbelievers (non-Muslims) and
tumult (this verse overrides all other verses on fighting the infidels,
including the Jews and the Christians); if they accept Islam then leave
them alone.
4:56 Unbelievers will be cast in fire, their skins roasted often,
skins changed often for more roasting (the skin will be roasted seventy
thousand time every day; the new skin will be as white as paper—ibn
4:89 Seize and slay the renegades (i.e., apostates of Islam)
wherever you find them. (Maududi 4/118: This is the verdict on those
hypocritical confessors of faith who belong to a belligerent,
non-Muslim nation and actually participate in acts of hostility against
the Islamic state).
It is clear Greet Wilders did not present anything original. He
merely re-stated the contents of the Koran, forcefully depicting, with
true pictures, those verses in action. (more)