David Limbaugh's column today takes a look at Obama's slipperiness. A few excerpts (my emphases):
Obama has also shown himself to be an unscrupulous master of the politics of calculation and expedience. Whether on public finance, NAFTA, Iran, Iraq, Jerusalem, special interests, Cuba, illegal immigration or the decriminalization of marijuana, Obama has demonstrated a propensity for flip-flopping that could embarrass the grandmaster himself, Sen. John Kerry.
But here's what's scary: For all of Kerry's reputed smoothness and Eastern intellect, he often tied himself in knots trying to reconcile his absurdly opposing positions. Obama can flip and flop with unmatched alacrity and facility and with the absence of self-consciousness and accountability of an accomplished sociopath. This guy doesn't even acknowledge he's changing positions; he does it without breaking a sweat and never looks back.
Limbaugh cites a number of other examples and concludes:
Barack Obama is every bit as politically calculating as Bill Clinton but twice as smooth. And if that doesn't jolt you, you're sleeping.
Read the whole thing. Limbaugh lists seven other examples of Obama's flip-flopping and slipperiness (not counting his change of mind about accepting public campaign financing) that I haven't had space to post. The sincerity of his rhetoric on reform is about as sincere as Bill Clinton's rhetoric on sexual purity, "I never had sex with that woman!"
- William J.Bennet and Seith Leibsohn list 10 Concerns About Barack Obama
- Added note: here's a separate item showing how Obama has padded his resume in his first general election TV ad.