Thomas Sowell is seriously depressed, or at least feeling mighty glum about the outlook for the United States, given the intelligentsia's vacation from reality. (For what it's worth, I agree with his assessment and my feelings mirror his.)
The terrorists have given us as clear a picture of what they are all about as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis did during the 1930s — and our “leaders” and intelligentsia have ignored the warning signs as resolutely as the “leaders” and intelligentsia of the 1930s downplayed the dangers of Hitler.
We are much like people drifting down the Niagara River, oblivious to the waterfalls up ahead. Once we go over those falls, we cannot come back up again.
Sowell sees the horrors of being confronted with both Iran and terrorists equipped with nuclear devices and then,
All the things we are preoccupied with today, from the price of gasoline to health care to global warming, will suddenly no longer matter.
He considers both presidential candidates painfully inadequate, but between the two, there can be only one choice: McCain. At a time like this, we do not have the luxury of waiting for our ideal
candidate . . . Senator John McCain
has been criticized in this column many times. But, when all is said
and done, Senator McCain has not spent decades aiding and abetting
people who hate America. On the contrary, he has paid a huge
price for resisting our enemies, even when they held him prisoner and
tortured him. The choice between him and Barack Obama should be a
no-brainer. [more . . .]