Here's the AP story. It cites other cases on an issue I have posted on before here and here. The Family Research Council comments on this latest story involving three infants as follows:
We've all debated the question of when life begins, but how about death? That's the latest issue plaguing the medical community as the need for organ donors continues to grow. The latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine reports on three controversial cases in which infants died, and physicians harvested the hearts before the babies met the criteria of "complete, irreversible cessation of brain function or of heart and lung function." The Denver doctors who performed the procedure, which some claim is "tantamount to murder," are at the center of a growing moral debate. George Annas, a Boston University bioethicist told the Washington Post, "This practice cannot be ethically justified . . . . I understand that they would like us to change the definition of death, but they can't do that by themselves."