- Update: Check out this great, great column by Rich Lowry which many readers will find enjoyable and entertaining.
Jack Fowler - "Now, the NR [National Review] gang was in Juneau last year, on one of our infamous cruises, and we had the good fortune to meet with Governor Palin and her staff. There was nothing phony about her, nothing officious, nothing stiff – she was smart, warm, welcoming, funny, conversational, neighborly, radiating energy and enthusiasm. Stylish and cool too. You instantly wanted to be her friend. No one wanted to leave the reception. Alas, the boat was pulling out … "
What about the experience issue?
- Jonah Goldberg - "I would rather have John McCain in office for two years with Palin going to school on the job than have Barack Obama in there from day one (particularly with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid running the Congress!)."
- Hugh Hewitt - Obama is the total rookie and he's at the top of the ticket. Palin --with years of "do this, do that" experience, is in the second seat. This is the huge difference. Obama has zero management experience . . . Obama isn't ready to be C-in-C. McCain is. And McCain has an
understudy who will soak it all in rather than blather on endlessly.
- Victor Davis Hanson - "One governor, even with brief executive experience, still contrasts with three Senate legislators in the race."
- Ed Morrissey - Obama is a US Senator of three years experience, and Palin is a governor of 20 months’ experience. Only Barack Obama has spent two of those three years not in the Senate doing his job but running for President. Before starting his bid, he had a grand total of less than 150 days in session in the Senate. Palin, on the other hand, has run her state for more than triple that time.
- Blog comment - "To those saying Sarah Palin is a heartbeat away from the Presidency, not quite. She is an election and a heartbeat away. Barack Obama is only an election away."
On 2nd amendment
Mark Hemingway - "Biden, as you'll recall, is terrible on second amendment issues. Palin on the other hand — there's even video of her firing an M-16, which for a female vice-presidential candidate is pretty dang cool. . . UPDATE: More bona fides — Palin's parents first heard the announcement while they were out caribou hunting.
On Change and Hope
- "In Palin's speech, she said she went after the "good ole boy network" in Alaska that was full of corruption...Obama is actually part of the "good ole boy network" in Chicago which is also full of corruption."
- MarkHemingway - "I think this pick illuminates some interesting facts about McCain and Obama's differences. Obama has been a candidate of "change" and "revolution". His vice-presidential pick was Joe Biden, a long time senator and classic Washington insider. McCain however, I believe, turns out to be the real reformer, picking a new face as his running mate. Even her credentials speak of ethics reform and government changes. The tables seem to have been turned."
- Bill Kristol - Palin will be a compelling and mold-breaking example for lots of Americans who are told every day that to be even a bit conservative or Christian or old-fashioned is bad form. In this respect, Palin can become an inspirational figure and powerful symbol. The left senses this, which is why they want to discredit her quickly.
On Jubiliation from the Republican base:
People are sending e-mails or leaving comments such as:
- "Sarah gives me hope for America, because of who she is, not because of any group she "represents."
“I have never been more energized by a national Republican candidate in my life.”
- "Add me to the list of people who just went from “Will vote for McCain as lesser of two evils” to “Will donate and volunteer for his campaign.”
- Marjorie Dannenfelser (Susan B. Anthony List President): "Women voters are electrified, and Sarah is someone who is truly in sync with the way real American women think. She is a reform-minded woman who will give all Americans, born and unborn, the authentic leadership they deserve."
- "Toss me in as another Republican who's ecstatic about this pick and who's writing a check. I teared up as I watched the speech given by Gov. Palin. I haven't been this proud to be a Republican in far too long a time. I am proud we have a bona fide American hero running for president who has the political chops to miraculously energize his base and sucker punch the opposition at the same time.. . Unbelievable. Now where's my credit card...
On shunning feminist speech codes:
- Email to Jay Nordlinger - "I noticed during her performance today — and in an interview posted online — that she doesn’t change “-man” words to “-woman” or “-person.” She refers to herself as a former “chairman” of something or other, and as a former “commercial fisherman.” What a refreshing contrast to the PC trend that gives us ear-cringing neologisms like “fisherpersons” and “snowpersons,” and phrases like “to a person” rather than “to a man.” Obama recently said he wasn’t looking for a VP who would be a “yes person.”
Pro-life vs. Pro-choice
Amy Holmes - "Republican elected officials are far more tolerant of differing views on this topic than Democrats. Count the number of pro-lifers on the staffs of senators Boxer, Clinton, Schumer, Durbin or any of the Democratic leadership. I'm certain the number is negligible, if not zero. Apply the same test to Republican leadership. I guarantee you, the number is much higher, Bob Casey included."