I have posted on this before, most notably here. The Family Research Council today reiterates (my emphases):
Americans who are voting for change in the form of liberal
candidates are certain to get it. But is it the kind of change our
families need? If
the keys to Congress are placed squarely in the hands of the current
leadership, imagine what our future could hold.
The Fairness Doctrine,
a bad
policy that was abolished in 1987, would likely be reinstated to
regulate the views of U.S. broadcasters. Although it would muzzle free
speech and
drive talk radio into an era of opinion neutrality, this leadership has
already called for it.
We can also expect the passage of a full
complement of
"hate crimes" laws, which would clog the legal system with lawsuits
that criminalize how you and I think and what religion teaches.
Barack Obama is on the record stating that his first priority as
president would be to pass the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA),
obliterating every state
and local law that protects the unborn, including parental
notification, conscience protections, bans on taxpayer-funded abortion,
and much more. Under FOCA an individual who tries to limit abortion
could be sued. This could mean anyone from state and federal
legislators who work to pass
abortion restrictions to pro-life protestors.
And that's just the tip
of the iceberg. The Left has already announced its plans to roll back
Defense of Marriage Act and repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." If the last
two years are any indication, this nation will be in for a total policy