Hillsdale College mails its Imprimis publication free of charge to anyone who wants it. It's also available on the internet.
The October 2008 Imprimis carries a speech Michael Ledeen delivered on August 4, 2008 titled "Understanding Iran." Ledeen sees Iran as an implacable foe intent on evil. He advocates recognizing an evil regime for what it is and treating it accordingly, rather than putting hopes in talk and negotiation. President-elect Obama, from all indications, will adopt the talk and negotiation approach to Iran.
They [Iran's regime] want us dead or dominated, just as our enemies did in the 1930s and '40s. You can't make deals with a regime like that.
Ledeen's article is wide-ranging and valuable. Following are a few excerpts:
There is a striking tendency among people in modern Western governments not to recognize the existence of evil in the world. My professional career has largely been spent studying evil . . .
Ledeen has studied National Socialism and writes,
People from my generation studied these things because we were trying desperately to understand how men like Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin came to power, and why nobody saw it
coming and understood what was at stake. Why was there the humiliation of Munich and then the Nazi invasion of Poland before an appeasement government in Britain fell and Winston Churchill came to power? Why did it require Pearl Harbor for the U.S. to enter World War II? Could we get to the point where we understood these evil regimes so well that when the next one came along we would see it coming and stop it in its tracks? But over the past 30 years we have seen the same situation play out with Iran, and still we dream of negotiation.
In Natan Sharansky's useful formulation, if you want to know how a country will behave internationally, look at the way it treats its own people. The Iranian regime treats its people with total contempt. Consider its treatment of women. Although you will never hear the American women's rights movement complain about it, women in Iran are officially worth half a man. It is in Iran's Constitution. If a woman who is pregnant with a male fetus gets killed in an automobile accident, Sharia law requires the guilty party in the other car to pay a full fine for the fetus and only half that fine for the woman. This carries through every aspect of Iranian society. Women can't own or dispose of property. If a woman's husband dies, the family of the husband disposes of his estate. That's the contempt that awaits us if the Iranians have their way. In fact, they view the entire non-Muslim world as worth even less than Muslim women."
Ledeen writes:
The bottom line is that Iran is our principal enemy in the Middle East, and perhaps in the entire world. It is also a terribly vulnerable regime, and it knows that--which is why it makes up stores about airplanes and missiles that it doesn't have... The point is, we have an implacable enemy which has no intention of negotiating a settlement with us. They want us dead or dominated, just as our enemies did in the 1930s and '40s. You can't make deals with a regime like that.
His final paragraph:
Our choices with regard to Iran are to challenge them directly and win this war now, to do so only after they kill a lot more of us in some kind of attack, or to surrender. There is no painless way out, and the longer we wait, the greater the pain is going to be. [my emphases]