John Fonte over at National Review's Corner writes:
Excellent article today by Fouad Ajami on Sam Huntington in the Wall Street Journal. Huntington argues in Who Are We? that issues such as transnationalism, globalism, dual citizenship, “racial preferences, bilingualism, multiculturalism, immigration, assimilation, national history standards, English as the official language, Eurocentrism,” and so on, are “all battles in a single war over the nature of American national identity.” Huntington’s core point is that “de-nationalized elites” are promoting the “transnational” and the “multicultural” in order to “deconstruct” America’s creed and common culture.
... What is being contested is the nature of America’s
liberal democratic regime as it has been traditionally understood. Will
this regime be perpetuated and transmitted to future generations or
will it be transformed into a new type of
transnational-multicultural-regime? Huntington’s thesis is a tour de
force that cuts to the heart of this question. Needless to say,
Huntington was hysterically attacked by nervous “de-nationalized
elites” on the left, who don’t want these issues discussed openly. [my emphases]
Me: All of the above represents good reason to read Ajami's article.