I first posted on Mark Driscoll on January 11th after the New York Times did a major article on him. He's obviously a hot property right now since ABC"s Nightline featured him on last night's program. It's clear the secular world finds Driscoll fascinating. I suggest you click through to watch the Nightline segment on Driscoll. It's 7 minutes and 21 seconds long.
Me: From the Nightline video, it seems to me that, on balance, Driscoll is doing a great job. He's clearly bringing people into his church that would never attend a more traditional church. And yet he has not diluted his message in the least. It remains unvarnished, uncompromising and biblical -- with a bit of sanctified tang and zest thrown in. Preaching always comes through a personality, and Driscoll's personality is undeniably interesting!