He titled his talk "Our Struggle for the Soul of Our Nation." The entire speech needs to be read. One small excerpt follows (my emphases):
constitutional authority of the people of the United States to shape
law and policy through the institutions of representative government. . .
The truth is that Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion
candidate ever to serve in the United States Senate or seek the Office
of President of the United States. The revocation of the Hyde
Amendment, the Mexico City Policy, funding limitations on
embryo-destructive research, informed consent laws, parental
notification statutes—all of which Obama has promised to his
pro-abortion base—will dramatically increase the number of abortions, and will do so for reasons that have been articulated by the abortion lobby itself. . . .
Thanks be to God, the conflict over abortion has not produced, and will
not produce, a civil war. Still, we must not forget that we are a
people under judgment. We are called to account for the national sin of
abortion. Like Thomas Jefferson reflecting on the evil of slavery—an
evil in which he was personally complicit—we must “tremble for our
country when we consider that God is just.” Like Abraham Lincoln, whom
President Obama invokes but does not emulate, we must pray that God, in
His mercy, will not abandon us, but will rather restore us to the true
and lofty moral ideals of our founding. Even at this dark hour for our
movement, let us here highly resolve to hasten the day when this
nation, under God, will be truly and fully and finally dedicated to the
proposition that all are created equal.
[more . . .]
-- See also Ed Whelan, "Why Roe V. Wade Needs to Be Overturned."