I'm not sure what to make of Mark Driscoll since I have no firsthand knowledge of him or his church. Nor am I sure what to make of this NY Times article on Driscoll. But "Allahpundit" responded to the article saying:
Update #2 - 1/13/08 - Christianity Today magazine reports very favorably on a new book by Driscoll (co-written with theologian Gerry Breshears, Death by Love: Letters from the Cross. The C.T. review is well worth reading.
Update #1: Justin Taylor reports that Dr. Don Carson recently spet a weekennd preaching and teaching at Mars Hill Church. Audio and Video of the talks are available here. They include Session #1: “The Center of the Whole Bible” (Romans 3:21-26); Session #2: “The Strange Triumph of a Slaughtered Lamb” (Revelation 12); Session #3: “A Miracle Full of Surprises” (John 11); Session #4: “Why Doubt the Resurrection of Jesus” (John 20:24-31); Session #5: “The Ironies of the Cross” (Matthew 27:27-51)