One of my blog post categories is "Collapse of the West." (See the column on the right side of this blog for other categories). I think what L. Brent Bozell III reports fits that category. He begins his article by saying,
Bozell says further,
Me: And that's my cue for categorizing this book and its favorable reception as yet another sign of the "collapse of the West." When a culture can't distinguish between "the decent and the repulsive," it is done for, barring some sort of supernatural Christian revival. "Repulsive" is a word one rarely hears. It's a good, strong word that needs to find its way back into appropriate usage.
- After posting the material above, I came across a symposium, "Islamic Terror and Sexual Mutilation," which expands the discussion of "repulsive"considerably. It probably deserves a separate blog post, but I'll just note the symposium for now.
During the horrifying siege of the Taj Mahal Hotel, the Islamic terrorists sexually humiliated and mutilated
the guests before shooting them dead. Why? Frontpage has assembled a
distinguished panel to discuss this question with us today.