Ed Morrissey headlines a blog post: "Discredited Lancet study gets even more discredited." He writes:
The British medical journal Lancet published a study of
civilian casualties in 2006 that estimated Iraqi civilian deaths at
more than 2% of Iraq’s pre-war population, around 655,000. Later
studies produced numbers of less than a quarter of Lancet’s totals, and the authors of the study were largely discredited. Now a research association has publicly rebuked Gilbert Burnham for not disclosing his methodology, and Burnham may face action from his employer, Johns Hopkins [more . . .]
Morrissey's post goes on to say that George Soros was involved:
Last year, the Times of London
revealed that George Soros provided almost half of Burnham’s funding
for the study. Soros shoved millions of dollars into his highly vocal
opposition to the war and George Bush, funding Democrats and the
Democratic Party in their efforts to unseat Republicans over the last
three election cycles.