- Update: Kathleen Parker writes a good article on Obama flubbing the stem cell issue. She titles it, Why Is the President Ignoring a Scientific Gift?"
(Original Post) - Michael Gerson understands the situation well when he writes:
How has he done that?
What may we expect?
It is the incurable itch of pro-choice activists to compel everyone's complicity in their agenda. Somehow, getting "politics out of science" translates into taxpayer funding for embryo experimentation. "Choice" becomes a demand on doctors and nurses to violate their deepest beliefs or face discrimination.
What about Obama's choice of Kathleen Sebelius to head HHS? Gerson writes:
It is probably not a coincidence that Obama has chosen a Roman Catholic -- Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius -- to implement many of these policies as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Obama has every right to a pro-choice Cabinet. But this appointment seems designed to provide religious cover. It also smacks of religious humiliation -- like asking a rabbi to serve the pork roast or an atheist to bless the meal.
Sebelius, though strongly pro-choice, was capable of occasional compromise. But she consistently fought against the serious enforcement of Kansas's late-term abortion restrictions. Kansas became a magnet for late-term abortions.
Still, Sebelius insists that "my Catholic faith teaches me that all
life is sacred." This puts her in the same category as House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Biden -- Catholics who assert the
sanctity of life while defending legal abortion. It has also earned
Sebelius a firm rebuke from her archbishop. . .
If developing life is merely protoplasmic rubbish, it has the legal
claims of a cyst or a toenail. But if a politician believes life is
sacred, the destruction of more than a million lives a year cannot be
merely one issue among many. [my emphases]