After a brilliant survey of what matters to Obama and what doesn't, what he says, and what he omits, what he apologizes for, and what he fails to appreciate, Victor Davis Hanson concludes:
For 40 years we
have had well-meaning moral equivalence, utopian pacifism, and
multiculturalism taught in our schools, and we are now learning that
all that was not just therapy, but has insidiously become our national
gospel. The world is hearing a deeply pessimistic view of what America
was and is — now offered in mellifluous cadences by a messianic
president who not so long ago in more unguarded moments called for more
oppression studies and reparations.
President Obama will get his much-needed praise and adulation abroad, and Americans will finally be somewhat admired for a while. And thereafter, there will be real hell to pay — either abject U.S. appeasement as the world heats up, or some sort of frantic eleventh-hour hyper-response to restore stability and lost deterrence. Just watch. [more . . ]
President Obama will get his much-needed praise and adulation abroad, and Americans will finally be somewhat admired for a while. And thereafter, there will be real hell to pay — either abject U.S. appeasement as the world heats up, or some sort of frantic eleventh-hour hyper-response to restore stability and lost deterrence. Just watch. [more . . ]
Me: I agree with both VDH's analysis and prediction. Rush Limbaugh said if he didn't have his own brains (with which he is quite satisfied), he would be pleased to have Charles Krauthammer's or Justice Scalia's. If Rush thought about it some more, I think he would be equally pleased to have Victor Davis Hanson's as well.