- Update 6/16/09 - a round-up of op-eds and stories on Iran from The Anchoress:
Christopher Hitchens: A scathing piece, Don’t call what happen in Iran an election
Richard Just: Finally, in Iran, Something Left & Right can agree on!
Robert Fisk: Day of Destiny
Michael Ledeen: Excellent analysis
Pajamas Media: Is America Sleeping?
Weekly Standard: Did Iraqi Democracy affect Iran Elections? Would like to think so, but who can say?
Jonah Goldberg: POTUS votes “present” on Iran
Althouse: Could Obama be Blander? Yes, his statement lacked umm..passion and maybe empathy. Rather cold, I thought.
Dr. Zero: What the President Should have Said to the Iranian People
Wall Street Journal: Wanted: ‘Hope’ for Iran; Rarely in U.S. history has a foreign policy course been as thoroughly repudiated by events
PJM: The Seven Point Manifesto of the Iranian Resistance
Pajamas TV: Video and video
Jimmie Bise: Says POTUS got a 3AM call, and voted “present”
Gateway Pundit: Calls POTUS remarks “mush”
Peter Wehner: Let us not comfort cruel men
John McCain & Jake Tapper: Twitter an interview this morning McCain addresses some of the same points as Wehner.
Ace: A roundup here and an updated roundup here
Ahmadinejad’s Hipster Style
Spengler Must-Read: Hedgehogs and flamingos in Tehran
A question nobody needed to ask with Bush: Will Obama stand with Iran’s Democratic Reformers?
J-Post: Without Western Support, Iranian uprising will die Which may define our president.
CNN: Iranian Students say without America’s help, they are doomed
Do read Ledeen
Jennifer Rubin: Don’t Iranians Deserve “hope and change” too?
Victor Davis Hanson: The Iranian Enigma
Insty: O on the Mideast, then and now; read the link. Astonishing. Clinton wasn’t this slick.
CBS News: Publishes New Republic piece comparing Ahmadinejad to Bush. And the press called Bush “intellectually incurious”.
-Update 6/16/09 - Michelle Malkin makes good use of Michael Ledeen's observations and Allahpundit's comments and video related to Obama's tip-toe, tepid, and less than inspiring response.
- Update 6/15/09 - HOW TO: Track Iran Election with Twitter and Social Media
- (original post) Michael Totten is providing terrific coverage with continual updates. He includes numerous videos and news clips from around the world.