Then it's crucial to read this analysis. It will explain the horrors of the bill that Congress will soon be voting on.
Call your two senators and representative and ask them to vote against the "Hate Crimes" bill. You can reach all three at 202-224-3121.
Update 6/25/09 - From Family Research Council:
This morning FRC submitted testimony to the Senate Judiciary
Committee regarding one of the Left's most coveted policy objectives--a
federal hate
crimes law. The House passed the Hate Crimes measure on April 29, but
today's hearing in the Senate was the first on the Matthew Shepard Hate
Prevention Act (S. 909). I won't go into how the bill's title is
historically and factually incorrect (you can see that for yourself in
documentary, Censoring the Church and Silencing Christians). This measure would create special protections for people based on their sexual
behavior, gender identity, or perceived sexual orientation or gender.
to pressure from the homosexual community, which is among
the loudest in the Democratic Party's base, Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
had vowed to attach "hate crimes" to must-pass legislation by August.
As we
document in Censoring the Church, hate crimes laws are a
threat to free speech, religious freedom, and equal protection under
the law. Congress should not allow certain privileged groups to have
special protection under the law, and FRC said as much in our testimony
when we stated, "A federal hate crime law is unnecessary, it's
ineffective, and it promotes inequality."
To read how, click over to and read
our testimony. You can also see where this legislation would lead in stunning real-life stories featured in our documentary, Censoring the
Church, available online. When you're through watching clips, contact your senators and urge them to vote "no" on S. 909.
Additional Resources
Read Tony Perkins'
written testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee