From the Family Research Council:
The Obama administration continues to attack the family from the
inside. According to our sources, the Department of Health and Human
Services is
poised to name David Hansell to a key post in the Administration for
Children and Families (ACF). This is particularly disturbing since
served in leadership positions at Gay Men's Health Crisis, a nonprofit
that actively lobbies for the radical homosexual agenda. His promotion
Assistant Secretary of ACF is a slap in the face of mainstream America,
who relied on this office to promote heterosexual adoption, traditional
families, abstinence education, child care, and healthy marriages.
give you a picture of the extreme makeover underway at ACF,
Hansell's predecessor was Dr. Wade Horn, a well-respected family
advocate who used to head the Fatherhood Initiative. Under Hansell's
direction, ACF
would radically morph from a federal program meant to empower
traditional families into a government vehicle aimed at sabotaging
marriage with your
tax dollars.
See also "Barack Obama and Homosexuality/Gender Issues: A Brief Survey"