VDH adds (update):
Somehow the president in the last few hours, in his now characteristic stereotyping, has managed to insult the nation's police with his "stupidly" comment, the nation's surgeons with his reference to greedy tonsil-cutting, and the nation's elderly with his aspirin quip — all reminiscent of the "typical white person" castoff, Pennsylvania clingers speech, and the Special Olympics one-liner. Given his propensity to apologize abroad for the purported sins of other earlier Americans, can we expect some "I'm sorry"s for his own clumsy generalizations? No wonder Robert Gibbs and Joe Biden have little worries that their own logorrhea will have any consequences.
Original post:
There were no winners in this comic tragedy — but one clear loser: last night, the president of the United States. [MORE . . ]
Sidenote: Roger Kimball isn't impressed with Gates' vaunted scholarship. Click here.
Update: "Anonymous says," Dr. Gates' behavior a product of the Ivy League Effect
Update: VDH on the Obama presidency: what might have been if Obama had not chosen to govern from a neo-socialist, hard left position.