Andrew C. McCarthy hits it out of the park once again. (I wrote about his insights a few days ago as well). Today, in a National Review Online article, McCarthy notes that Obama is no ordinary politician.
. . . These last seven months ought to tell us that the usual political rules
don’t apply when predicting this president’s behavior. His purpose is
revolutionary change in an American society he grew up understanding to
be fundamentally unjust, racist, materialist, imperialist, and the
agent of global misery. He is in Washington
to transform the nation from the top down. Nationalized health care is
key for him. If he gets it, sovereignty shifts from the citizen to the
state. By law, government will be empowered to manage minute details of
our lives. Over time — when, as the "American Thinker’s" Joseph Ashby observes,
a “1,000-page health-care law explodes into many thousands of pages of
regulatory codes” — that is precisely what government will do.
is not a normal politician. He’s a visionary, and using health care to
radically expand the scope of government happens to be central to his
vision. For my money (if I have any left), achieving it is more
important to him than is getting reelected. . . And Congress may still give him his wish.
Things may appear to be going well at the moment for opponents of
Obamacare, but the stubborn fact remains that only one thing can stop
this monstrosity: wavering congressional Democrats’ discovery that they
have more to fear from their districts than
from their leadership and
the White House. The ardor of public opposition will determine whether this battle is won or lost.
As for "death panels," McCarthy says:
In the Wall Street Journal, former Bush White House official Jim Towey alerts us
that, at the Veterans Administration, Obama has reinstated a 52-page
“end of life planning document” authored by a medical ethicist who has
advocated doctor-assisted suicide in a Supreme Court brief. This
Orwellian “Your Life, Your Choices” questionnaire, in the familiar
“push poll” manner, methodically steers the patient toward the notion
that he is a malingering near-vegetable causing a “severe emotional
burden” for his family. I don’t know what the correct, non-hysterical
term for such a process is, but “Grim Government Reaper” strikes me as
more accurate than “Your Life, Your Choices.”
Me: The stakes are high. The future of this nation will be determined this year, maybe next month. We can be grateful ordinary citizens have awakened, but Obama, as McCarthy warns, is a committed man. This is no time to relax. This man must be defeated.