- Update - Anyone following the Town hall meetings and the Leftist responses needs to check the Gateway Pundit regularly.
- (Original Post) - Hugh Hewitt posts opinions from his favorite anonymous ad executive, "Bear in the Woods":
Political Math. Michael Steele calls him "The Pennies Guy." He's smart, and his videos are, too. Very DIY, very YouTube, very intelligent. YouTube/user/10000Pennies
Alfonzo Rachel. Another PJTV face who's been around for some time, and is finally breaking into the mainstream - deservedly so. In my opinion, not quite as funny as Crowder, but still funny. And just as smart. Search YouTube for ZoNation, or find him on PJTV.
The Action Institute. Coldwater Media sent me a link to a very nicely
Let Freedom Ring. The "Not
So Sure" videos that were highlighted on Tech Republican. I'm not
quite as enthusiastic about them as TechGOP is, but I am pleased. The
concepts are good, as is the cinematography. Acting is a bit stilted,
though. On the upside, it's better than anything that's come out of
the GOP in years. Find them at letfreedomringusa.com
Bosch Fawstin
A graphic-novel creator and illustrator, Bosch has taken up the
conservative cause with various images, and with his graphic-novel
series, Pigman. For me, Pigman isn't all that accessible. But I'm not
a huge graphic novel fan, so it's probably not for me. I am a huge fan
of some of the single-image pieces Bosch has done. For contemporary
comic style, his stuff resonates. fawstin.blogspot.com
The Joker.
Well, this is the elephant in the room, now isn't it? Like many, I
followed the reaction to it in real time. Love it, or hate it -- it
did what I'm assuming the artist wanted it to do. It got a huge amount
of cultural play. The story, at first, wasn't the image -- the story
was the fact that an anti-Obama image was appearing in L.A., of all
places. And then the dissection began. I don't pretend to know
whether the artist had any intention to infer any of the subtext that
has been attributed to this piece. My gut says he or she didn't. My
gut says the artist sees the President as a joke, and potentially a
dangerous joke, and that's the single intention of the visual. But
that's only my gut. Some argue it's racist (I do not), some argue it's
a bad metaphor (depends on how deep you want to go into character
development), and some argue that it's inappropriate (might be, but as
far as I can tell, inappropriate-ness is still protected, for now.)
Others argue exactly opposite viewpoints, and yet, all argue with
fervor. Which brings me to the conclusion that this poster did what I
think it was probably intended to do: It threw gas on the fire.
that's not a tactic the GOP, or an organization like it, could, or
probably should, ever take. But sometimes, yes, sometimes, a fire
needs a little gas thrown on it, so people will notice. I think the
end result of this poster is that it heightened the liberal cultural
and media awareness of the existence of an extremely passionate
opposition. They knew we disagreed with them. They just didn't think
we were so....angry. (Of course, if the poster didn't convince them,
I'm sure the townhalls have by now.) You know art, or marketing, or an
image, is powerful when the opinions expressed about it are extreme.
The middle is the place to get ignored. And the Joker -- well, it's
nowhere near the middle.